У меня есть свой ангел.Он всегда мне в трудных ситуациях.Даже в тех с которыми и взрослые не смогут разобраться.Например:как то раз я пошла в школу.Я проходила мимо заброшенного дома.От туда были слышны детские голоса.Мне стало интересно и я подумала пойти туда.Но что мешало мне это сделать.Будто невидимка вцепился в меня и оттаскивал.Видимо это и был он-мой ангел.Я поразмышляла и подумала,что правильно что я туда не пошла.С тех пор я знаю, что у меня есть ангел-герой!
1. First you should feel a wish to eat food so you need to wake up drink some tea or water and after only when your stomach would like and ready to take food you should cook better porridge and bread with butter. 2. Then in 2 or 3 houres you can get hungry and now it s time to take some more high-calorie food. It should be soup or meat with vegetables. 3. Pay attention! portions of meals must be a little. 4. Also it can be nice to drink much water during the day. Not sweet of coure. 5. You should prefer to eat vegetables and fruits. 6. Try to exclude fat food from your ration. 7. Forget for your late supper.
1When I came home father was watching TV 2 I was at a reception at the dentist when the phone rang. 3 While mom was cooking dinner I dress up 4 what were you doing last night from 7 to 9 pm? I'm ready for the exam. 5 When I lived in London I learned English. 6when my friend walked through the city he lost his phone. 7 What were you doing up so late in the office? I prepared the report. 8 When we arrived, they were playing football. 9i looked out the window and enjoyed the scene. The kids played in the yard the elderly sitting on benches some reading some talking.