Где вставить артикль? ! 1. can you pay me back money i lent you? 2. i know he is doctor . 3. ben nevis is highest mountain in united kingdom. 4. some people still believe world is flat. 5. in some countries murder is punishable by death.
1). Can you pay me back the money l lent you? 2). I know he is a Doctor 3) Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in United Kingdom. 4). Some people still believe the world is flat. 5). In some countries a murder is punishable by death.
1. You speak English fluently. __Are_ you from Britain? 2. I__am__ sorry, I___am_ late again. Tomorrow I‘ll try to be in time. 3. He __is_at home only in the evening because he__is__ very busy at work. He is preparing for the business trip. 4. How much__is__ this lovely dress? I__am__ sure it’ll suit me. 5. Haven’t seen you for ages! How_are__ you? How__is_ your family and your little daughter? 6. It’s a pity! I will not come to the party tonight. I_will be__ in my office working over the project. 7. Whose coat___is___this? I think It__is_ mine. 8. I_am__ thirsty. Would you be so kind to bring me a glass of water, please?
If you want to be healthy, strong and beautiful you should go in for sports. If you want to keep yourselves fit, you should go in for sport regularly. Nobody likes to be stout and clumsy. We enjoy watching nice bodies of sportsmen, their strength and adroitness. When I go in for sports I feel wonderful. I don't sneeze or cough. I am cheerful, active and full of energy. I try to do some training almost every day. In summer I go swimming or rowing. I enjoy spending winter holidays in the country. There I can ski or skate. Certainly, it depends on the weather. But all the same in the country there are more possibilities for this than in town. For those who have already determined to go in for sport is very important to choose the kind of sport he likes best. Some games are quiet, others are very lively, active. Some kinds of sports need simple equipments and facilities, others — rather complex ones.
Если хочешь быть здоровым, сильным и красивым, ты должен заниматься спортом. Если хочешь быть в форме, ты должен этим заниматься регулярно. Никому не нравится быть толстым и неловким. Нам нравится наблюдать за спортсменами, за их красивыми телами, их силой и ловкостью. Когда я занимаюсь спортом, я замечательно себя чувствую. Я не чихаю и не кашляю. Я бодр, активен и полон энергии. Я стараюсь тренироваться ежедневно. Летом я плаваю или хожу на веслах. Я наслаждаюсь зимними каникулами в селе. Там я могу кататься на лыжах или на коньках. Конечно, все зависит от погоды. Но все-таки в селе для этого больше возможностей, чем в городе. Для тех, кто уже решил заняться спортом, трудно выбрать вид спорта, который ему нравится больше. Некоторые виды спорта спокойные, другие — подвижные, активные. Некоторые виды спорта не нуждаются в сложном оборудовании, другие наоборот.
2). I know he is a Doctor
3) Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in United Kingdom.
4). Some people still believe the world is flat.
5). In some countries a murder is punishable by death.