Дорогие мама и папа
Ты можешь зайти в мою комнату, но ты
Жаве то / не должен стучать первым
Вы не должны / не должны прикасаться к моему компьютеру
без разрешения
Тебе не нужно пытаться запомнить имена моих друзей.
Вы не можете / должны оставаться в моей комнате, когда мои друзья
Вы не должны / не должны приносить нам напитки, но вы
можете/не можете, если хотите
Вы должны / не должны просить меня делать домашнюю
работу, когда у меня есть домашнее задание.
С любовью, Тери
PS Можете ли вы / вы должны называть меня "детка" в присутствии
моих друзей? Как неловко!
P.S. я немного не поняла в чем вопрос, перевод наверное?)
1 Tomorrow we will probably go out
General: Will we probably go out tomorrow?
Alternative: Will we probably go out tomorrow or next week?
Wh-question: Who will probably go out tomorrow?
Special: When will we probably go out?
Disjunctive: Tomorrow we will probably go out, won't we?
2 They will have completed the new bridge by the end of the year.
General: Will they have completed the new bridge by the end of the year?
Alternative: Will they have completed the new bridge by the end of the year or by the end of the season?
Wh-question: Who will have have completed the new bridge by the end of the year?
Special: When will they have completed the new bridge?
Disjunctive: They will have completed the new bridge by the end of the year, won't they?
3 Martin has been in France for three years.
General: Has Martin been in France for three years?
Alternative: Has Martin been in France for three years or three months?
Wh-question: Who has been in France for three years?
Special: Where has Martin been for three years?
Disjunctive: Martin has been in France for three years, hasn't he?
4 The children are singing a song.
General: Are the children singing a song?
Alternative: Are the children singing a song or listening to music?
Wh-question: Who is singing a song?
Special: What are the children doing?
Disjunctive: The children are singing a song, aren't they?
5 I eat porridge every morning.
General: Do I eat porridge every morning?
Alternative: Do I eat porridge or eggs every morning?
Wh-question: Who eats porridge every morning?
Special: Who do I eat every morning?
Disjunctive: I eat porridge every morning, don't I?
1.I like when it is snowing.
2.I can’t speak Italian.-Neither can I
3.Alice asks if we are ready.
4.They say these boxes are made of wood.
5.He said he was happy to see us again.
6.I don’t think you should give any sweets to the children.
7.Neither Jerry nor Larry has bought anything there.
8.The boys’ mother said she would speak to their teacher the next day.
9.Why does he look sad ?What’s wrong?