Nowadays, people polluate so much nature that it is already "suffocating", trying to still survive. Creating new things, mankind forgets about trees, seas, oceans, plants, animals and so on. Unfortunately, myself, I am only one person, so I cannot change the whole world. On the other hand, I can change my befaviour towards nature so that I won't worsen it anymore. For example, many people throw the garbage everywhere instead of doing it into the right places - something I do regularly (I mean, I only throw the garbage into the right places). I am not into killing animals, so if I go to the forest, I only do it in order to breath in fresh air. Also, Saturdays have become the days when my neighbours and I are cleaning our yard to make it more beautiful. I could do a bigger list of what I am trying to do in order to fight against polluation, but now, I would like to see yours!
1.You can tell the time with this 2.You put this on your head 3.You open doors with these 1.juː kæn tɛl ðə taɪm wɪð ðɪs 2.juː pʊt ðɪs ɒn jɔː hɛd 3.juː ˈəʊpən dɔːz wɪð ðiːz
4.You can go very fast on these 5.You wear these on your hands 6.You can play music with this 4.juː kæn gəʊ ˈvɛri fɑːst ɒn ðiːz 5.juː weə ðiːz ɒn jɔː hændz 6.juː kæn pleɪ ˈmjuːzɪk wɪð ðɪs
7.You can brush your hair with this 8.You can listen to your favourite songs on these. 7.juː kæn brʌʃ jɔː heə wɪð ðɪs 8.juː kæn ˈlɪsn tuː jɔː ˈfeɪvərɪt sɒŋz ɒn ðiːz
9.You can talk to your friend on this 10.You can take photos with this watch, helmet, keys, roller blades, gloves, guitar, hairbrush, CDs, mobile phone, camera. 9.juː kæn tɔːk tuː jɔː frɛnd ɒn ðɪs 10.juː kæn teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz wɪð ðɪs wɒʧ, ˈhɛlmɪt, kiːz, ˈrəʊlə bleɪdz, glʌvz, gɪˈtɑː, ˈheəbrʌʃ, siː-diːz, ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn, ˈkæmərə
Taraxacum officinale - herbaceous perennial plant height of 10-30 cm. Charged to the family Asteraceae. Dandelion root powerful, vertical, brown, in the context of white. The leaves form a rosette, deeply lobed. Dandelion flowers are collected in inflorescence-baskets, yellow. The fruit of the plant is the achene with a tuft. It blooms in April - May, and its seeds ripen in June - July. Where the plant is common. Dandelion weed spread throughout Russia. It grows in meadows, gardens, vacant lots, lawns, roadsides. This is one of the most common plants in agriculture -Одуванчик лекарственный - травянистое многолетнее растение высотой 10-30 см. Отнесено к семейству сложноцветных. Корень одуванчика мощный, вертикальный, бурый, в разрезе белый. Его листья образуют прикорневую розетку, глубоко рассеченные. Цветки одуванчика собраны в соцветия-корзинки, желтого цвета. Плод растения представляет собой семянку с хохолком. Он цветет в апреле - мае, а его семена созревают в июне - июле. Где растение распространено. Сорное растение одуванчик лекарственный распространен на всей территории России. Растет на лугах, в садах, на пустырях, на газонах, вдоль дорог. Это один из наиболее распространенных в земледелии растений –
Nowadays, people polluate so much nature that it is already "suffocating", trying to still survive. Creating new things, mankind forgets about trees, seas, oceans, plants, animals and so on. Unfortunately, myself, I am only one person, so I cannot change the whole world. On the other hand, I can change my befaviour towards nature so that I won't worsen it anymore.
For example, many people throw the garbage everywhere instead of doing it into the right places - something I do regularly (I mean, I only throw the garbage into the right places). I am not into killing animals, so if I go to the forest, I only do it in order to breath in fresh air. Also, Saturdays have become the days when my neighbours and I are cleaning our yard to make it more beautiful.
I could do a bigger list of what I am trying to do in order to fight against polluation, but now, I would like to see yours!
Have a nice day!
Sincerely yours,
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