Mottoes, toes, Negroes, berries, cliffs, valleys, beliefs, heroes, carpets, plays, wolves, photos, manifestoes, thieves, matches, mosquitoes, knives, pianos, handkerchiefs, safes, tomatoes, potatoes, ladies, boxes, wives, chiefs, loaves, griefs, spies, Swiss, hoofs(hooves), memories.
Maid-servants, major-generals, custom-houses, men-of-war, hotel-keepers, mothers-in-law, pocket-knives, schoolgirls, watchmakers, lookers-on, passers-by, fishermen, text-books, statesmen, editors-in -chief, sisters-in-law, bus-drivers, courts-martial, arm-chairs, men-servants, merry-go-rounds, room-mates, grown-ups, forget-me-nots.
The football team is one of the most successful in the world. Rugby is also very popular.