What are that children names? The cats have caught mouses. There were ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls in the room. In the farm-yard we could see oxes, cheeps, cows and gooses. It these workers Englishmen or Germans? - They are Frenchmen. Why don't you eat these potatoes? There are books containing interesting stores on that shelf. These strawberries are still green. These withered leafs have fallen ti be ground. Can you see birds on that tree? Do your teeth still ache? I held up my foots to the fire warm them.
1) Great Britain consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northen Ireland. 2) The British Isles are washed by Northen and Irish seas, by English channel and by Atlantic ocean. 3) Irish sea lies between Great Britain and Ireland. 4) Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain. 5) The Thames is the deepest British river. 6) The Severn is the longest British river. 7) Stonehedge is situated in Wiltshire. It is the most famous ancient stone building. 8) Ottawa is the Canadian capital 9) Canberra is the capital of Australia.