Дельфин-In the ocean and sea expanses, dolphins eat mainly fish: horse mackerel, mackerel, herring, saury, hake, anchovy, ram, mullet, flounder, haddock, bonito, anchovies, and sea ruffs. But besides fish, they also love to feast on squids, crustaceans, molluscs.
Козёл-They feed on a variety of herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation, mosses, lichens. By chewing on the bark, goats harm young trees and can greatly impede forest regeneration after felling
Барс-The main food of the snow leopard is: Siberian mountain goats, red deer, deer, scorch goats, blue rams, roe deer, musk deer, argali, serau, gorals, Himalayan tars, takins, wild boars. In times of famine, leopards also hunt for smaller prey, such as: ground squirrels, hares, pikas, birds (pheasants, chukots, mountain turkeys).
Сова-Owls usually eat small rodents; smaller species of owls feed mainly on large insects, and some on fish. Owls rarely attack birds. Apparently, when hunting rodents in almost complete darkness, owls are guided by sound, since they have very good hearing.
Зад.1 watch-часы (наручные), один экземпляр.. watches - это несколько часов. Специфично слово - deer (олень, олени). Множественное число этого слова совпадает с единственным, нет окончания (e)s. Еще слово teeth - мн. число образуется изменением корня (tooth-teeth, зуб-зубы)
Правила произношения и написания окончаний существительных во множественном числе зависят от исходного слова. Общее правило - конечные звонкие согласные не оглушаются, то есть произносятся как z-iz. Вот тут коротко и ясно: https://engblog.ru/plural-of-nouns