В Москве большое население и больше дорог. Валуцки находятся возле Украины а значит отличаться акцент и манера разговора. Поскольку в Москве больше транспорта то и воздух более заряженный и это плохо для крови. Но в валуйках меньше работы и развлечений
Moscow and Valuiki In Moscow, a large population and more roads. Valutsky is near Ukraine, which means that the accent and manner of speaking differ. Since there is more traffic in Moscow, air is more charged and it's bad for blood. But there is less work and entertainment in the ranks ...
1) Hello, can I take part in your talk show? 2) He must've writes the a new detective. 3) My sister engaged in aerobics for a year now and "took off" five kilograms. 4) Do you have plans for the summer? - We are going to take in the sights of London. 5) I have never seen such a masterpiece! 6) If it will be warm tomorrow, we'll go on a boat ride, and ifcold - by car. 7) To our arrival, Thompsons rented house in the village. 8) Ice skating can be extremely difficult if you have nevernot tried. 9) Children should not go swimming unaccompanied by an adult, the lake must It is very profound, because the water is always cold.0) This year we are have not rested
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