Конструкция there was/were переводится в времени обозначает "там было", "имелось". При этом порядок слов в предложениях с этой конструкцией, включая обстоятельство места, сохраняется таким же, как и в предложениях с этой конструкцией в настоящем времени(there is/are). Was и were ставятся соответственно единственному (there was) или множественному (there were) числу слова, следующего за конструкцией: There was a book on the shelf. На полке была книга. There were no books on the shelf. На полке не было книг. Данная конструкция, независимо от времени, акцентирует внимание на том, что и в каком количестве находится в том или ином месте.
1. He spent last summer in the country. 2. He did not spend last summer in the country. 3. Did he spend last summer in the country? 4. Where did he spend last summer? 5. She helped mother yesterday. 6. She did not help mother yesterday. 7. Did she help mother yesterday? 8. How did she help mother yesterday? 9. Kate cooks dinner every day. 10. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow. 11. Kate is cooking dinner now. 12. Kate cooked dinner yesterday. 13. I do not eat ice-cream every day. 14. I am not eating ice-cream now. 15. I won’t eat ice-cream tomorrow. 16. I didn’t eat ice-cream yesterday. 17. Do you go to school every day? 18. Are you going to school now? 19. Will you go to the south next summer? 20. Did you go abroad last summer? 21. What does your brother do every day? 22. What is your brother doing now? 23. What will your brother do tomorrow? 24. What did your brother do yesterday?