По энглишу.нужно на объяснить три вопроса. 1)почему зарубежные языки важны для современных людей? 2)бегло ли говорю я на ? (нет) 3)почему я выбрала сдавать экзамен по ? без шуток друзья, нужно , чтобы ответы были на и хотя бы два три предложения.
English is important for many people and countries because it is the national language, the language says peace and science. I do not quickly speak English. I chose this language because he is useful to me in the future
Christmas Day is the holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all friends give each other presents.
Carol singing is a traditional part of Christmas. In the evening children come to the door of a house and sing for a person who lives in this house. Then he or she gives children nuts and candies. If I live in Great Britain, I will sing that songs too.
So, Christmas is a lovely holiday for all the people in Great Britain. I love this wonderful holiday. Christmas is my lovely holiday in the world. I think that people in our world love this fantasticholiday too.