The Park named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an arboretum in the city of Almaty, located at the intersection of Navoi street and al-Farabi Avenue in Bostandyk district. The Park has been open since July 2010.The creation of the Park began in 2001. First of all, the main elements of the arboretum were divided into alleys, boulevards, and dendrological sections. According to the dendrological plan, green spaces were planted. Poplars were planted around the perimeter of the Park, and elms, oaks, hawthorns, and chestnuts were planted inside the Park. Also in the Park in 2001, the first President Nursultan Nazarbayev personally planted an oak tree.An entrance group with Propylaea was built at the main entrance to the Park, and a fountain was built just behind the entrance group. In the upper part, an observation deck is built, which is located on an artificially created hill with a height of approximately 12 meters.Great Park, you can have a great time, but the Park needs repairs, it would be nice to put drinking fountains. A good Playground, there is even a swing for the disabled who move in a wheelchair.Good place for walking. There are bike paths, and the sign does not apply to Cycling (I hope it does not apply to paths). Beautiful fountain complex. Beautiful park!
Kazakhstan is the ninth wonder of the world. Its territory is full of amazing corners - it is endless steppes, majestic mountains, bottomless lakes, dense forests.
We represent the most beautiful places in our country that everyone should see.
Baikonur is the first and largest missile launch complex. The cosmodrome became the first polygon in the world, from which the first launch of an artificial Earth satellite and manned flight into space. On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched from the test site into orbit using the R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile developed by S.P. The royal. On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board. The spaceport is located in the southern part of Kazakhstan on 6717 square meters. km He is currently on loan from the Russian Federation. On the territory of the complex is a museum of the history of cosmonautics, which includes a large building with thousands of exhibits, an open-air exposition with real rocket engines and the Buran space shuttle, as well as the museum’s complex includes the houses of Korolev and Gagarin, where the father of Russian astronautics and first cosmonaut of the world.
The Forest Of Aokigahara.On the map is a large Park at the foot of mount Fuji, in fact - the infamous landmark of Japan. Informal name Aokigahara - "the forest of suicides" - speaks for itself. Here the second after the Golden gate bridge in San Francisco, place in the frequency of committed suicides. With the onset of dusk about this place start to speak only in a whisper.Those who decide to visit Aokigahara needs to have strong nerves. What happens chrostowska under my feet the branch is a human bone, and a strange outline of a man in the distance is another corpse of the hanged man.Local authorities are concerned about an endless wave of suicides, were placed on forest trails, signs read: "Your life is a priceless gift from your parents. Think about them and about your family. You don't have to suffer alone. Give us a call. 22-0110"."