1 Mike said that they had bought those books that day
2The teacher said that she would discuss that subject with pupils the next day
3She said that she hadn't gone shopping the day before
4I asked Beeky what kind of book her friend had brought to her
5i asked kate if anybody had met her at the station
6 she said to me didn't worry over such a small thing
7the teacher said that i hadn't done my work well
8pete asked his friends when they had been leaving st. petersburg
9i asked tom if he had had breakfast
10 i asked mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived
1 ahMcr - March (март)
2 dogo kucl - good luck - удачи!
3 oabrniw - rainbow - радуга
4 enrge - green - зеленый
5 cmhrakos - shamrock - трилистник
6 pto fo dglo - pot of gold - горшок с золотом
7 evlorc - clover - клевер
8 rpha - harp - арфа
9 leardnl - Ireland - Ирландия
10 camgi - magic - магия
11 rogaen - orange - оранжевый
12 iswh - wish - желание
13 eadcn - dance - танец
14 aurnclpeeh - leprechaun - лепрекон
15 gpsrni - spring - весна
16 tasni - saint - святой
17 igj - jig - джига (танец)
18 cramh - charm - амулет (на удачу)/оберег
19 aapedr - parade - парад
20 reBnaly otnSe - Blarney Stone (камень красноречия в замке Бларни)
2.The boys said "we will go to the football match"
3.He said "My team hasnt won the last game"
4.Molly said "I went to the library after school
5.Liz said "i will go home early"
6.We said' We havent made any plans yet