On the way home from school I often meet dogs and cats in the park, in the courtyards of apartrnent buildings and right in the streets. Just one look at these animals is enough to understand that they are hungry and do not have any owners or comfortable housing. Of course, I try to lay up a sandwich for them or something else to eat, but unfortunately, my sandwich does not solve the numerous problems associated with stray animals.
Topic 3. Theater will never be as popular as cinema. Theatre itself is very old and even an ancient attraction. From one point of view what can be more interesting than live play, live emotions that you see on the stage? It is hidden in people's nature: to find something new: adventures, attractions, emotions. When cinema appeared, the world had changed forever. People love going to the cinema because they are becoming a part of the each story they see: romantic, comedy or horror, everyone will find something interesting. In my opinion cinematography is on top of the attractions because of the visual effects, talented actors and because of the constant feeling that it is so real. Theater can not offer such experience even modern one. Despite it will stay beloved attraction for ages too, it will be always far behind from the developing technologies used in the movies. Nowadays we can see the movies in 3D, feel the fragrances and in close future we might find ourselves inside the picture, who knows? :) Economic statistics show that huge difference as well: average yearly profit of Miramax or SonyPictures companies is several hundred millions dollars. Whole theater industry barely dreams about it. Besides, a ticket to the theater performance is usually more expensive than a ticket to the cinema. Given the above, it is obvious why cinema will always be more popular.
LIZAOWL30 новичок ответила 15.05.2013 через iOS Изучать языки очень важно на сегодняшний день.Английский язык - это мировой язык, на котором говорят многие страны и народы.Некоторые учат английский язык для работы, а некоторые для своего интереса. Я знаю, что английский язык применяется в некоторых профессиях, связанных с языкознанием. Сегодня знание иностранного языка - это необходимая вещь, чтобы получить хорошую профессию. Чтобы быть известным общественным деятелем, нужно знать английский язык очень хорошо. В будущем я хочу стать дипломатом, для этого нужно знать английский язык и многие другие языки в совершенстве. It is important to learn languages to date. English is the world language, spoken by many people and countries. Some teach English for work, some for their own interest. I know that the English language is used in certain professions related to Linguistics in General. Today, knowledge of a foreign language is a necessary thing to get a good job. To be a well-known public figure, you have to know English very well. In the future I want to become a diplomat, to do this you need to know English and many other languages fluently.