Finally, my best friend came to our city . My friend's name is Andrey.He is a very good boy.He arrived with her mother in New York . We have nWhen we saw each other , they ran to hug each other . After that, we talked as they walked to the cafe to pouzhinat.Posle dinner with my parents , we went to the park , ride karuselyah.My so tired ... Then we ran home. At home we ran, jumped with joy ! We had a lot of fun!ot seen as much as 3 years . And finally came this long-awaited meeting.
My four-legged friend , I picked up freezing in the polar night. He was a mongrel crumbs with drooping ears . I called him Tom , who came home. He lived on earth only 6 years old . He died in my arms . Wait for me when I came home from work in the evening . Waiting for me udverey already paralyzed legs and he crawled on me for an hour kuhnyu.V increased swelling in the neck and he gasped . Someone hit him in the neck ( ran away from me for a walk in the morning) , maybe because of the skins . It was a sleek , shiny . I namyvayut it with shampoo . When I married zasobiralas , Tom did not accept him immediately . Did not come , did not take anything from him , no goodies. A week before his death suddenly became quietly approached , put his head on his knees and quiet nasmelo whine . My future husband wondered, " What happened to him that he needs ? Never like , and there is not distilled off " . And only then I realized that Tom begged him : "Do not hurt my mistress , do not hurt ! " He his sensitive canine heart has long felt that this man was evil and make me sick. And so it happened . Since 2000, no my protector , and write about it and tears welling . He introduced me to all dog lovers my yard , although Tom , I lived there for 21 years.
История техники начинается с использования первобытными людьми каменных инструментов. В древности, около 2.5 миллионов лет назад, производились каменные инструменты, использовались огонь, копья, луки и стрелы и простые масляные лампы. В эпоху неолита, около 90000 до н.э., появилось сельское хозяйство, использовались роющие палки и деревянные мотыги. Каменные инструменты улучшились и для срубки деревьев использовались каменные топоры. Люди неолита создавали горшки, ткань, корзины, строили дома и лодки.