Complete. use he'll or he won't. 1. wear glasses. 2. have a beard and a moustache. 3. ride a motorbike. 4. have a dog. 5. have two children. заранее, .
Summer vacations - this is the most wonderful three months, which can be done as you like. One may want to meet with friends, read any books, travel or go to grandparents and meet with the children who live there. Summer vacation means you can sleep all you want, and then all you want to drive the ball in the yard or sew dolls some clothes and settled down with her friends on a blanket spread out in the yard. And yet - you can have ice cream every day.
Summer vacations - is bathing in the river or in the lake, and if you're lucky, and in the sea. Sea in summer is always such a fabulous, fantastic colors. And nakupatsya not enough, we always want more and more.When summer vacation starts, it immediately raises a lot of plans on how to conduct them. And when the holidays come to an end, you realize that it is not even half done. We have to wait for the next vacation.
This year I had a very busy summer. In June I stayed in Moscow. Every morning I went to the gym, where I had my trainings. After the trainings I had lunch with my friends in small cafes in downtown. Sometimes after lunch we went to the movies. Couple of times we played bowling together. In July I went to the sports camp to Klaipeda, Lithuania. I had trainings there twice a day. But we still had some spare time. We went to the Sea museum in Klaipeda.That was really interesting. In August I went to Sharm-el-Sheik, Egypt. I went there with my parents. We went there by plane. We stayed in hotel "Gufa". We spent a lot of time on the seaside and near the pool. We also had some interesting excursions. Best of all I liked the excursion on the boat. Some people were diving but i was snorkling. I saw different fishes there. Red Sea is absolutely beautiful. I really like the way I spent this summer!