1. To feel as safe as houses is a solid bedrock through the ups and falls of the economy.
2. 'Got on like a house on fire,' he answered quickly.
3. A Home from Home is the very best of Veronica Henry's storytelling.
4. I've just got one more report to write and I'll be home and dry.
5. Are you trying to drive me crazy?
6. I can't stand to cook for the holidays.
7. Well, I can tidy up, if you want.
1) Чувствовать себя в безопасности, как дома, - это прочный фундамент в периоды взлетов и падений экономики.
2) «Загорелся, как дом в огне», - быстро ответил он.
3) «Дом вдали от дома» - лучшее из повествования Вероники Генри.
4) Мне нужно написать еще один отчет, и я буду дома сушиться.
5) Ты меня с ума свести хочешь?
6) Терпеть не могу готовить на праздники.
7) Ну, я могу прибраться, если хочешь.
1. Have the letters been already written by her? The letters haven't been already written by her.2. Has the film just been seen by us? The film hasn't just been seen by us. 3. Have these books ever been read by him? These books havn't ever been read by him. 4. Has her work been finished already? Her work has not been finished yet. 5.Will the house have been built by this summer? The house won't have been built by this summer. 6. Will the article have been prepared by the end of this week? The article won't have been prepared by the end of this week. 7. Will the sentences have been translated by the students by the end of the lesson? The sentences won't have been translated by the students by the end of the lesson. 8. Had the supper already been prepared when we came? The supper hadn't already been prepared when we came.9. Had the classes already been finished when he came? When he came the classes hadn't already been finished. 10.Had I already sent all the letters by 9 o’clock yesterday?By 9 o’clock yesterday I hadn't already sent all the letters.