One day at school we went to the boy, getting him all is well treated. But in our class has an A student, he always loved to be alone and nobody touched. But the newcomer noticed it and began to find fault with him, every day it is more and more look after him, insulted, he pushed. We started talking to him, it is wrong, but he did not listen to us. It was not every day, but one day our teacher noticed this and was very angry, and the teacher has decided that it is necessary to solve this problem. Newbie afraid that the teacher all know and understand that you can not do so, because he has done nothing wrong for him. He apologized, and more does not touch him
Flood is a natural disaster. For people, who are directly affected by it, it can be devastating. There are several reasons for floods. One of them is excessive raining. At other times it is caused by the overflow of rivers or dam breaks. At any case it has negative outcomes, which lead to environmental and economic loses. As a result land gets washed away, houses are destroyed, people and animals die. Floods are directly connected with climate and geography of the area. Some places are more exposed to heavy rains than others. For example, Bangladesh and the Philippines are under constant threat of floods.
четверг. 5.Наша семья встает в 8о утра в воскресенье. 6.я, обычно, готовят домашнее задание утром. 7. Перед сном я могу отдохнуть в течение получаса и слушать новости. 8.нам часто приходится работать вместе. 9.мы собрались в клубе каждую субботу. 10.девушка читает около 20 страниц каждый день. 11.утром она принимает холодный душ высыхает сама на полотенце и чистит ей зубы, пока она не влияет на Оби ее одежду. 12.мы не понимаем эти слова. 13. мальчики делать утреннюю зарядку каждый день. 14.почему Вы не выключите кассетный магнитофон, когда вы покидаете комнату?. 15.сколько времени вам понадобилось, чтобы добраться до театра?-у меня уходит полчаса, чтобы добраться там