Я бы свернул все горы. Открыл бы неизвестные для мира участки. Путешествовал по странам и искал приключения. Открыл бы для мира новые полезные ископаемые, одним словом творил бы - добро. Подарил бы миру новый взгляд на мир!
I'd move all the mountains. Would open the world for unknown areas. Traveled the country and was looking for adventure. Would open the world for new mineral resources, in a word did be - good. Would give the world a new view of the world
1.What a pity that you were so careless. This would not have happened ,if you listened to the advicr of our friends. 2.It's a shame, that this has happened in your absence. 3.It's a pity, that you are not interested in art. 4.Now I regret,that I did not bring headache tablets. 5.You'II be sorry,that did not go with me. 6.It's a pity,that you did not save the letter. 7.Though it would be somebody said it impolite. 8.She wanted very much to anyone noticed her and asked, what she was doing. 9.Well,if they always come on time. 10.It's a pity, that you could not see this match.
Я бы свернул все горы. Открыл бы неизвестные для мира участки. Путешествовал по странам и искал приключения. Открыл бы для мира новые полезные ископаемые, одним словом творил бы - добро. Подарил бы миру новый взгляд на мир!
I'd move all the mountains. Would open the world for unknown areas. Traveled the country and was looking for adventure. Would open the world for new mineral resources, in a word did be - good. Would give the world a new view of the world