One thousand nine hundred and eight (если это цифра. если год 1908-ой то будет nineteen o eight) 2008 two thousand and eight (2008г. Twenty o eight) 1948 one thousand nine hundred forty and eight (1948г. nineteen forty eigh) 4104 four thousands o four 10000ten thousand 204 two hundred and four
1) Julia hasn't been (или has never been) to New York. 2) Mrs Johnsons hasn't watered plants yet. 3) I haven't seen Peter at school today. 4) Paul hasn't painted the walls in the kitchen yet. 5) Polly hasn't washed cups and plates yet. 6) Jerry hasn't watched the news on television today 7) Mary and I haven't decided what film to see. 8) Most of us haven't played (have never played) baseball. 9) Jim hasn't worked (= has never worked) as a journalist. 10) I haven't ever stayed (= have never stayed) at the "Star". 11) Samantha hasn't ever cooked (= has never cooked) chocolate pudding.
There are a lot of different schools in Kazakhstan. They can be private, boarding, high schools or lyceum. You can study 9 forms and go to the college or stay and study full 11 years and go straight to the university. In Kazakhstan you have special classes like self-knoledge, self-defense and etc. You have a timetable for 6 days. It shows you, what classes you have to attend and do home work for. Kazakh school education consists of 3 grades. They are junior school, secondary school, senior school. Also there's a special exam in 9th form. It shows your real grades.
2008 two thousand and eight (2008г. Twenty o eight)
1948 one thousand nine hundred forty and eight (1948г. nineteen forty eigh)
4104 four thousands o four
10000ten thousand
204 two hundred and four