Перевести . перевод онлайн переводчиков не подходит anthropologist john steckley has made the huron tongue and huron history his focus for more than 30 years, "and every year i think of how little i knew the year before," he says. sometimes he feels alone in his interests, he says. at other times, he feels in demand – especially around christmas and particularly this one. earlier this month steckley published an authoritative huron-english dictionary, the first such volume in more than 250 years.
Главная идея повести “Капитанская дочка”,которую затрагивает автор,-это проблема долга и чести,а так же нравственные аспекты,которые каждый из героев понимает и реализует по-своему.
Loved the product " Captain's Daughter" by how the author tells us about the honor, which is instilled and has its origins in childhood, seme.Tsentralnaya figure in the product Green, noble family , the son of an officer who has received a good education , preserves dignity and generosity not only with regard to his equal , but also to people simple proiskhozhdeniya.Eto we have seen in his meeting with Pugachevym.Grinev was grateful for the help that he gave him , showing dorogu.On invited him to the table and gave him a rabbit tulup.Dumayu for a simple Cossack on the run is related to the measure itself was noble . Just the author emphasizes in this story this way Russian zhenschiny.Masha Mironov , which turns into a prude of a brave defender of his love , and that is to ask for his beloved Empress , and receives a pardon for Grineva.Imenno this image and give the name of the author evoked his work , " The Captain's Daughter "The main idea of the story " The Captain's Daughter ," which affects the author , is the problem of honor and duty , as well as moral aspects that each of the characters understands and implements its own way.