Объяснение: rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular, rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular, ,
Психологічна травма - це тип пошкодження психіки, який виникає внаслідок травматичної події. Коли ця травма призводить до посттравматичного стресового розладу, пошкодження можна виміряти за фізичними змінами всередині мозку та хімією мозку, які впливають на здатність людини справлятися зі стресом.
Психологічна травма може супроводжувати фізичну травму або існує незалежно від неї. Типовими причинами психологічних травм є сексуальне насильство, насильство, загроза того чи іншого або свідчення інших випадків, особливо в дитячому віці. Такі катастрофічні події, як землетруси та виверження вулканів, війна чи інше масове насильство, також можуть спричинити психологічну травму. Тривалий вплив таких ситуацій
Dear Nick,
Thank you for your letter! I was glad to get it.
You asked me in your letter about my favourite holiday. Well, it is New Year's Day. I love it because it is celebrated by everybody and people start to prepare for the celebrations a few weeks before the holiday. I like it when a few weeks before the holiday all cities and towns of our country turn into a wonderland of light, sparkles and decorations. We can see Father Frosts with their Snegurockas in the streets and hear the season songs everywhere.
I love decorating the New Year tree and preparing gifts for my friends and relatives. And, of course, I like having the New Year’s Eve dinner with my family and watching fireworks at night.
I wonder how you celebrate New Year's Day.
Keep in touch.
Warmest regards,
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