English as a global language.
English 1)(was spoken) originally in Britain by the Anglo-Saxons 1500 years ago, but it 2)(differed) a lot from the language we 3)(know) today. In fact, we would have great difficulty understanding Old English now. Since then, the English language 4)(has changed) a lot and it 5)(has spread) all over the world. It 6) (is spoken) as the first language in the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and the Carribean, and it 7)(is used) as an official language in more than 70 countries. A lot of different forms and varieties of English 8)(are used) not only across the world, but even within the British Isles. It 9)(ia taught) as a foreign language in several countries. More and more people 10) (use) English when travelling and doing business abroad. It seems that English is becoming the language of international communication.
У меня есть любимый вид спорта-бадминтон. Это очень интересно и захватывающе! Чтобы научиться играть потребуеться много времени и выносливость,так как этот спорт для сильных людей. Я советую всем научиться играть в бадминтон,поскольку это очень весело
Я вообще не знаю ничего про бадминтон,поэтому как-то так:)