1) Мы не хотим, чтобы вы делали это. We don't want you to do it. 2) Я не ожидала, что он знает поэзию так хорошо. I didn't expect him to know the poetry so good. 3) “Я заставлю тебя рассказать мне правду!”- закричала Нелли. " I will make you tell me the truth" - cried Nelly. 4) Мы не заметили, как они вернулись. We didn't notice them came back. 5) Ты слышишь, как плачет ребенок? Are you hearing a baby's crying? 6) Мне не разрешили выбрать школу. We didn't allow to choose a school. 7) Учителя всегда хотят, чтобы подростки учились хорошо. The teachers always want thier pupils to study well. 8) Ты любишь смотреть, как она танцует? Do you like watching how she is dansing? или Do you like waching her dancing?9) Не заставляй меня кричать изо всех сил! Don't make me cry with all my strength10) Я не слышал, как ты вошел? I didn't hear you coming.
1) Natasha wants to follow in her father's footsteps and become a journalist. 2) When I chose my career, I was influenced by a famous book, by Julie Herman about doctors.
3) Firemen's work requires a lot of courage.
4) Nobody likes the exhausting monotonous work, but it also has to be done.
5) Computers allow people in many professions to work from home.
6) I find the travel agent's work creative and quite prestigious.
7) My uncle is a baker, and this activity requires working at night.
8) Everybody says that I have ability for drawing. I think I'll follow my friends' advice and become an architect or interior designer.
9) My elder brother is good at maths. But he hasn't decided, what profession to choose.
10) My parents encourage my desire to become a fashion designer. It is satisfactory, creative and rewarding work.
2. Did not watch
3. Saw
5. Did you go
6. Played
7. Made