It's nature. All nature beautiful .On nature you to be healthy and happy. From our nature take care.! Это природа. Вся природа красивая.На природе ты станешь здоровым и счастливым.За всей нашей природой надо ухаживать!
1. (Business people) are involved in the management of (companies) 2. My father builds (bridges) 3. Every year they spend a couple of (months) at the seaside 4. In our orchard we grow (potatoes) and ( tomatoes) 5. This museum exhibits the 18th-century (organs), (pianos) and (grand pianos) 6. Why do financial (crises) happen? 7. I want to read Shakespeare's (plays), both (tragedies) and (comedies) 8. (Roofs) on houses vary in geometry, method of ventilation and covering material 9. There are computer (disks) in those (boxes) 10 . At the Geography lessons we study nature (phenomena)
In our families we sometimes ask for advice and want to be listened to. So LISTENING is often the key to a HEALTHY connection between parents and their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. SCIENTISTs advice to listen to each other CAREFULLY and to remember that points of view can be DIFFERENT . If you DISAGREE with what you hear, it is USEFUL to remember that one should express his/her point of view without saying HURTFUL things. It`s better to SOFTEN strong REACTIONs trying not to find who is right. It is much wiser to speak in such a way that your opponent will hear you and to establish CONNECTION with each other.
Это природа. Вся природа красивая.На природе ты станешь здоровым и счастливым.За всей нашей природой надо ухаживать!