1. were
2. was
3. were
4. were
5. were
6. were
7. was
1. Jane and Cindy were at the zoo yesterday
2. Jane's mother was with them
3. Snakes and crocodiles were scary
4. Был(а) ли ты в Самарском зоопарке?
Ну тут
Yes, I was или No, I wasn't
в зависимости от того был(а) ты там или нет, я же не знаю
5. Были ли обезьяны в Самарском зоопарке?
Тут тоже
Yes, there were monkeys или No, there were no monkeys
1) Jim was at the cinema three days ago
2) Kate was at school yesterday
3) Girls were in the park last Tuesday
1) candles
2) cards
3) balloons
4) gifts (presents)
this year i’m leaving school. i have already decided what career to choose. i would like to be a psychologist. i want to help people to solve their problems. i want to help them to understand their inside world, to help them to be confident. i love working with people and children.
i think it’s a difficult job, because one should love people, take care of them, support them.
this profession is rather new and hence very interesting. psychologists work with people from different layers of society.
i realize that my dream can come true only if i work hard.
Ему разрешили взять эту книгу.
Кто сможет сделать эту работу?
Он должен был уехать в Москву раньше.
Мы должны сдать экзамены в июне.
Им разрешают тебя навестить?
Они могли (были в состоянии) сделать эту работу в срок.
Я смогу сдать экзамены.
Ей будет позволено смотреть телевизор.
Я должен прийти вовремя.
Поезд скоро придет(прибудет )
Сможете ли вы водить машину?