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06.05.2022 10:02 •  Английский язык

Переведите на язык без переводчика! футболист лионель андрес месси появился на свет 24 июня 1984 года. местом его рождения была аргентина, росарио. в семье простого рабочего фабрики хорхе месси и уборщицы силии месси в возрасте одиннадцати лет лионель стал уже играть в профессиональный футбол. в 2000 году 30 октября вошёл в состав команды барселоны, четырежды он был чемпионом испании. это происходило в 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 годах. 2006 и 2009 годы сделали его победителем лиги чемпионов

Footballer Lionel Andres Messi was born on June 24, 1984. The place of his  born was Argentina, Rosario. The family of a simple factory worker Jorge Messi and Celia Messi cleaners. At the age of eleven years, Lionel has become a playing professional football. 2000 October 30 was a part of the Barcelona team, he was four times champion of Spain. This happened in 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 respectively. 2006 and 2009 made him the winner of the Champions League
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Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в просто время


I went to work by bus.

I met her on Tuesdays.

He  wore black

I made cakes last week.

She got up at 6.30.

He understood me.

He shut the shop at 6.00.

She spoke slowly.

He left the house at 9.00.

I read a chapter last night.

You ate too much.

I saw him yesterday.

Tom sang in the choir.

He cried when he was hurt.

Who knew the answer?

I thought  I knew it.

The curtain rose at 8.00.

He took the dog out twice a day.

We bought  them here.

I dreamed last night.

He felt ill.

I knew what he wanted.

I paid him 5 pounds.

His dog bit me.

It smelled old.

It costed 30 p.

My back hurt.

I lied down after lunch.

We drank water.

His roses grew well.

He rode every day.

He fell off.

These dogs fought whenever they met.

He put up his prices last  year.

He slept badly.


Употребите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме

She didn't see your brother.

Did she see your brother?


We didn't hear a terrible noise.

Did we hear a terrible noise?


He didn't sleep  till 10.00.

Did he sleep till 10.00?


He didn't look at the picture.

Did he look at the picture?


They didn't drink all the wine.

Did they drink all the wine?


She didn't think  about it.

Did she think  about it?


The police didn't catch  the thief.

Did the police catch  the thief?


He didn't hide the letter.

Did he hide the letter?


She didn't find her watch.

Did she find her watch?


His nose didn't  bleed.

Did his nose bleed?


My mother didn't choose this hotel.

Did my mother  choose this hotel?


She didn't lend you enough money.

Did she lend you enough money?


Keiko didn't teach Japanese.

Did Kleiko teach Japanese?


Tom didn't  hurt his foot.

Did Tom hurt his foot?


He didn't break his arm.

Did he break his arm?


His wife didn't come at 8.00.

Did his wife  come at 8.00?


He didn't lose his wallet.

Did he lose his wallet?


His son didn't write a novel.

Did his son  write a novel?


They didn't fly to New York.

Did they  fly to New York?


Ann didn't draw you a map.

Did Ann draw you a map?


Tom didn't lay the table.

Did Tom  lay the table?


She didn't lose her way.

Did she  lose her way?


He didn't forbid her to leave.

Did he  forbid her to leave?


I didn't send it to the laundry.

Did I send it to the laundry?


Jack didn't keep the money.

Did Jack keep the money?


He didn't ride slowly.

Did he  ride slowly?


They didn't spent it all.

Did they  spent it all?


She didn't sell the car.

Did she didn't sell the car?


Jean didn't ring the bell.

Did Jean  ring the bell?


The sun didn't rise  at 6.00.

Did the sun  rise  at 6.00?


The boys didn't  run home.

 Did the boys   run home?


He didn't shake the bottle.

Did he  shake the bottle?


He didn't forgive her.

Did he forgive her?


They didn't broadcast an appeal for money.

Did they  broadcast an appeal for money?


The Present Continuous Tense


She is not working. She is swimming in the river.

He is teaching his boy to ride.

Why isn't Ann wearing her new dress?

The aeroplane is flying at 2000 metres.

What is Tom doing now? He is cleaning  his shoes.

This tire is going out. Is somebody bringing  more coal?

Is it raining? Yes, it is raining  very hard. You can’t go out yet.

Why are you mending  that old shirt?

You are not telling  the truth. – How do you know that I am not telling  the truth?

Who is moving  the furniture about upstairs? – It’s Tom. He is painting  the front bedroom.

Mrs Jones is sweeping  the steps outside her house.

What are you reading  now? I am reading  Crime and Punishment.

It is a lovely day. The sun is shining  and the birds are singing.

Someone is knocking  at the door. Shall I answer it? – I am coming in a minute. I am  just washing  my hands.

She is  ringing  up and asking questions.

Why are you making  a cake? Is someone coming  to tea?

Where is Tom? – He is lying  under the car.

Can I borrow your pen or you are using  it at a moment?

Are you doing  anything this evening? - No, I’m not. – Well, I am going  to the cinema. Would you like to come with me?

We are having breakfast now.

Tom is catching  an early train.

Ann is doing the shopping, but I am not doing it now as I'm not well.

Why are you typing  so fast? You are making  a lot of mistakes.

Mother is resting  now. She always rests after lunch.




4,4(7 оценок)

I went to work by bus.

I met her Tuesdays.

He always wore black.

I made cakes every week.

She got up at 6.30.

He understood me.

He shut the shop at 6.00.

She spoke slowly.

He left the house at 9.00.

I read a chapter every night.

You ate too much.

I saw him every day.

Tom sang in the choir.

He cried when he is hurt.

Who knew the answer?

I thought I knew it.

The curtain rose at 8.00.

He took the dog out twice a day.

We bought them here.

I dreamt every night.

He often felt ill.

I knew what he wanted.

I usually payed him 5 pounds.

His dog always bite me.

It smelt old.

It costed 30 p.

My back hurt.

I lay down after lunch.

We drank water.

His roses grew well.

He rode every day.

He often fell off.

These dogs fought whenever they meet.

He put up his prices every year.

He slept badly.


Употребите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме

She saw your brother.  She didn't see your brothe. Did she see you brother?

We heard a terrible noise. We didn't hera a terrible noise. Did we hear a terrible noise?

He slept till 10.00. He didn't sleep till 10. Did he sleep till 10?

He looked at the picture. He didn't look at the picture. Did he look at the picture?

They drank all the wine. They didn't drink all the wine. Did they drink all the wine?

She thought about it. She didn't think about it. Did she think about it?

The police caught the thief. The police didn't catch the thief. Did the police catch thr thief.

He hid the letter. He did't hide the letter. Did he hide the letter?

She found her watch. She didn't find her watch. Did she find her watch?

His nose bled. His nose didn't bleed. Did his nose bleed?

My mother chose this hotel. My mother didn't choose this hotel. Did mother choose the hotel?

She lent you enough money. she didn't lend you enough money. Did she lend you enough money.

Keiko taught Japanese. Keiko didn't teach Japanese. Did Keiko teach Japanese?

Tom hurt his foot. Tom didn't hurt his foot. Did Tom hurt his foot?

He broke his arm.He didn't break his arm. Did he break his arm.

His wife came at 8.00.His wife didn't come at 8. Did his wife come at 8?

He lost his wallet.He didn;t loose his wallet. Did he loose his wallet.

His son wrote a novel. His son didn' write a novel. Did his son write a novel.

They flew to New York. He didn't fly to New York. Did he fly to New York?

Ann drew you a map.Ann didn't draw a map. Did Ann draw a map?

Tom laid the table. Tom didn't lay the table. Did Tom lay the table?

She lost her way. She didn't loose her way. Did she loose her way?

He forbade her to leave. He didn't forbide her to leave. Did he forbide her to leave?

I sent it to the laundry. I didnt send it to the laundry. Did I send it to the laundry?

Jack kept the money. Jack didn't keep the money. Did Jack keep the money?

He rode slowly. He didn't ride slowly. Did he ride slowly.

They spent it all. They didn't spend it all. Did they spend it all?

She sold the car. She didn't sell the car. Did she sell the car?

Jean rang the bell. Jean didn't ring the bell. Did Jean ring the bell?

The sun rose at 6.00. The sun didn't rise at 6.00. Did the sun rise at 6.00?

The boys ran home. The boys didn't run home. Did the boys run home?

He shook the bottle. She didn't shake the bottle. Di she shake the bottle?

He forgave her. He didn't forgive her. Did he forgive her?


The Present Continuous Tense Поставьтеглаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Continuous


She is not working. She is swiming  in the river.

He  is teaching his boy to ride.

Why Ann is not wearing  her new dress?

The aeroplane is fly at 2000 metres.

What Tom is ding now? He is cleaning  his shoes.

This tire is going  out. Is  somebody  bringing  more coal?

 Is it raining? Yes, it is raining  very hard. You can’t go out yet.

Why  are you mending  that old shirt?

You are not telling  the truth. – How do you know that I am not telling  the truth?

Who is moving  the furniture about upstairs? – It’s Tom. He is painting  the front bedroom.

Mrs Jones is sweeping  the steps outside her house.

What are  you reading  now? I am reading  Crime and Punishment.

It is a lovely day. The sun is shining  and the birds are singing.

Someone is knocking  at the door. Shall I answer it? – I am coming in a minute. I  have just washed  my hands.

She is  always ringing  up and asking  questions.

Why are  you making a cake?  Is someone coming  to tea?

Where is Tom? – He is laying  under the car.

Can I borrow your pen or you are using  it at a moment?

 are you doing  anything this evening? - No, I’m not. – Well, I am going  to the cinema. Would you like to come with me?

We are having  breakfast at 8.00 tomorrow as Tom is  catching  an early train.

Ann usually does the shopping, but I am doing  it today as she isn’t well.

Why are  you typing so fast? You are making  a lot of mistakes.

Mother is resting  now. She always rests after lunch.


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