The history of banking began with the first prototype banks which were the merchants of the world, who gave grain loans to farmers and traders who carried goods between cities. This was around 2000 BC in Assyria, India and Sumeria. Later, in ancient Greece and during the Roman Empire, lenders based in temples gave loans, while accepting deposits and performing the change of money. Archaeology from this period in ancient China and India also shows evidence of money lending.
Many histories position the crucial historical development of a banking system to medieval and Renaissance Italy and particularly the affluent cities of Florence, Venice and Genoa. The Bardi and Peruzzi Families dominated banking in 14th century Florence, establishing branches in many other parts of Europe.The most famous Italian bank was the Medici Bank, established by Giovanni Medici in 1397. The oldest bank still in existence is Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has been operating continuously since 1472. Until the end of 2019, the oldest bank still in operation was the Banco di Napoli headquartered in Naples, Italy which had been operating since 1463.
Development of banking spread from northern Italy throughout the Holy Roman Empire, and in the 15th and 16th century to northern Europe. This was followed by a number of important innovations that took place in Amsterdam during the Dutch Republic in the 17th century, and in London since the 18th century. During the 20th century, developments in telecommunications and computing caused major changes to banks' operations and let banks dramatically increase in size and geographic spread. The financial crisis of 2007–2008 caused many bank failures, including some of the world's largest banks, and provoked much debate about bank regulation.
1. I don't like chicken 2. The bathroom hasn't got a big window 3. We aren't happy 4. Susan doesn't go to a party 5. Peter doesn't sing a song 6. Sherlock Groans doesn't hit the wolf. 7. Lady Grey isn't sad 8. Steven hasn't got a strange hobby, 9. Mirande doesn't carry the instruments 10. Mr. Ball doesn't collect garden gnomes
для понимания, образно, предложения в английском можно разделить на 2 группы: в которых есть глагол и, соответственно, в которых его нет (имеется в виду, в переводе на русский язык нет. например: я умная. глагола нет, но в английском он будет)
в каждом из них есть вс глагол. разница лишь, в том, что в тех предложениях, где в переводе на русский глагола нет, в английском это будет глагол to be. а точнее, его формы: (I) am, (he, she, it) is, (we, you, they) are. и если нам нужно сделать отрицательную форму, мы просто должны добавить к этим словам частицу not
am-am not
is-is not=isn't
are-are not=aren't
иными словами, суть в том, что в таких предложениях наш глагол to be и будет вс ..и к вос глаголу ( to be) мы добавляем not
напротив, в случае с такими предложениями, в которых глагол есть (я плаваю, ты смотришь...) вс глагол появляется только в том случае, если мы задаём вопрос или делаем отрицательное предложение. опять-таки, он зависит от того, какое у нас местоимение.
I, you, we, they-do-do not=don't
he, she, it-does-does not=doesn't
это значит, если я скажу
I like volleyball
чтобы сделать из этого отрицание, нужно добавить do, а к нему not
I don't like volleyball
а что если..
она любит его
she loves him
обратите внимание, к глаголу добавляется суффикс -s, когда местоимение третьего лица, ед. ч. (he, she, it)
когда же мы делаем отрицание/вопрос, он исчезает
does she love him?
she doesn't love him
можно сказать, что -s из глагола перебежала к does
ну в случае, когда у кого-то что-то есть все куда проще
(I, we, you, they) have-have not=haven't
(he, she, it) has-has not=hasn't
am - I
are - you, we, they