Как по .яз будет за животными надо ухаживать . ходить с собаками гулять. с кошкой играть. хомяков поить и кормить. рыбкам менять воду в аквариуме. животных надо любить . они не могут жить без людей . я люблю !
The animals should be looked after Go for a walk with the dogs Play with a cat Hamsters eat and drink Goldfish change the water in the aquarium The animals should be loved They can not live without people I love animals
It was three years ago. Then it was winter and I was in grade 5. My friend and I played snowballs in the school yard. We had fun. Nothing foreshadowed troubles. They threw themselves into each other's snowballs and decided to go home. But someone threw a snowball at me. I turned around and saw a classmate and whose boy I did not know. They started teasing us, and we started throwing them with snowballs. It was very funny! Soon we were tired and we said good-bye and went home. This day I will never forget.
Abstract (derived from lat. abstractio - removal, diversion) - art direction, refused to approximate to the real image forms in painting and sculpture. The avant-garde (derived from the French. avant-garde - the vanguard) - a set of experimental, modernist, highlighted the unusual, exploratory beginnings in the art of the 20th century. Animals (derived from lat. animal - animal) is a genre of fine art where the main subject of the image are animal. Decorative painting - painting, created for the purpose of interior decoration or additions to the design space.