1. “Species” is another word for kinds of plants and animals. “endangered” means they are in danger of becoming extinct. “extinct” means that a species no longer exists. For example, we can say that dinosaurs are extinct.
2. For millions of years, since people began to live on the earth, they have used animal furs to keep warm. Today women pay a lot of money for expensive fur coats, as they want to be fashionable. Another example is the elephant. Many centuries ago, people discovered that they could use the ivory of elephant tusks. Tusks are used for making teeth, statuettes, bracelets and otherornaments ... and even for decorating the walls of palaces.
3. Thirty years ago the bald eagle was a disappearing species. It was an endangered species. Then people stopped killing and began protecting it.
4. ___Plants and animals are important on our planet. If any plant or animal disappears, this will disturb everything else - other species will also disappear.
5. Even predators, which kill and eat other animals are necessary for nature. They hunt and kill those animals which are weak. So, only healthy and strong animals keep living. In this way nature selects healthy individuals to continue the life of the species. This is called “natural selection”.
Every nation living on Earth has its own history, traditions and, of course, features of the national cuisine. A cuisine is a certain set of cooking traditions passed on from generation to generation. A cuisine is often named after the place where it originated. The choice of ingredients depends on the region or country. For example, the Greeks use lots of tomatoes, olives, lemons and seafood in their dishes because these products are easily found in their country. Today, if you want to taste the food of different countries, it’s not necessary to fly there. The restaurants of various cuisines can be found almost in every city. I live in Yekaterinburg and there are lots of Chinese, Japanese, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish and even Mexican restaurants here. Chinese dishes are mostly made of rice and noodles. The thing that I like about this cuisine is the variety of green and herbal teas. Japanese cuisine is based on fresh seafood, soybeans and white rice. I have already tried several types of rolls and sushi with soy sauce and it was rather delicious. French cuisine is considered to be the most exquisite and refined of all. I have never tried French dishes but I’d love to. They say French cheese, wine and pastries are really good. Greek food is delicious. My favourite dish is the Greek salad with fresh tomatoes, olives, bell peppers and tofu cheese. I also like Italian food. It mainly offers different types of pizzas and pasta. I think, that Italian cuisine somehow reminds the Greek one because both these countries are situated in the Mediterranean. Spanish cuisine offers lots of dishes from seafood and fresh vegetables. A good example of this cuisine is paella. Mexican cuisine uses lots of spices and chili pepper. Famous Mexican dishes are tacos and quesadillas.