1)What is the natural habitats of fish bears elephants gorillas?- forests
2)What animals are extinct animals? -Mammoth, woolly rhinoceros
3)There are a lot of endangered species of animals and plants nowadays. Can you name some of them? - Tasmanian wolf, wild horse tour in Europe, the European elephant, Quagga and many others.
4)How can people protect endangered animals? -take measures to protect animals
5) Can you give an example of how man destroys the habitats of birds animals and plants?-
such people cut down forests and build hotels and other buildings.
6)Why do people destroy forests? How does this influence the wildlife? the life of people? - it is an impact on the environment and air pollution they do that for to build different buildings.
7)Do you think it is easy for different animals species to survive in the 21 century? Why? - is very difficult because they are all the time in the fight with the people they are fighting for their lives.
8)Have youever been a member of some ecological organization? Would you like to become one? -No, but I really want to be.
2. achieved
3. took
4. completed
5. took
6. began
7. was
8. graduated
9. started
10. graduated
11. received
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
2. He achieved a score of 99.99% in the Mensa IQ test at a young age of 4.
3. Tanishq graduated from high school at the age of 10.
4. At the age of 9, he was the youngest speaker at a NASA conference and TEDx presentation in 2012.
5. In 2018, at the age of 15 Tanishq received a bachelor's degree with honors in biomedical engineering at the University of California, Davis.
6. Tanishq has designed a device that could measure the heartbeat of burnt patients without touching them.
7. After finishing the Ph.D. program, Tanishq hopes to attend medical school and become a doctor, a medical researcher and even someday become the president of the United States.
I was sure that the home work would be done in time. She was told that her car is not repaired yet. We think that this factory was built in 1990. We knew that most mounts have an electric drive