1 a
2 c
3 a
4 b
задание 2
1 My mum watering the flowers when she has free time (моя мама поливает цветы когда у нее есть свободное время)
2 My sister improving her spanish language when she has free time (моя сестра совершенствует ее испанский язык когда у нее есть свободное время)
3 My dad making a different surprises for my mom when he has free time (мой папа готовит для мамы разные сюрпризы когда у него есть свободное время)
4 My dog is sleeping when we don't touch her (моя собака спит когда мы не трогаем ее)
5 I like cooking cakes when i have a free time ( мне нравится готовить торты когда у меня есть свободное время)
In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine life without a computer. These devices have relatively recently entered human life, firmly taking place in all spheres of activity and becoming irreplaceable assistants. We have computers in our offices and at home. You can often see a picture that even small children who are just starting to walk and have not yet talked can already skillfully perform the simplest manipulations with this electronic device. The computer has accelerated many technological processes, as well as simplified social communication between people.
But do not forget that no matter how good a computer is, it can cause irreparable harm to human health!
Long-term, improperly organized work at the computer can increase the risk of developing various diseases of the organ of vision, muscles, joints, internal organs and body systems.
For example: because of the work behind a computer monitor, human vision suffers. Often, during prolonged work at a computer, the eye muscles are overstrained, a person blinks much less often, the cornea is not properly moisturized, painful sensations appear in the eyes, it becomes painful to blink, move them, there is a burning sensation, or the clarity of vision deteriorates and double vision. Almost all people who spend several hours a day at a computer without interruption are familiar with this phenomenon.
2) delete (удалить)
3) maiden (дева)
4) divorce (разводиться)
5) drive (водить)
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