1. Coaxial cables were used in long-distance common-carrier communication. - WERE USED -
вс глагол для образования Passive Voice.
2. The important function of postal service is distribution and delivery of newspapers, magazines and other
periodicals to population.- IS - смысловой глагол
3. In order to deal with the intersymbol interference problem we are to develop a mathematical model for the
data transmission system. - ARE TO develop - эквивалент модального глагола для выражения
4. A ground radar system is providing information by which aircraft appraches to landing. - IS PROVIDING -
глагол для образования Continuos tense
5. These methods do not permit inspection of the objects while they are in motion. - ARE in motion -
глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом;
1)посмотрите на счет в телефоне! Я должен попытаться сделать меньше звонков.
2) ты не должен быть громким во время урока.
1 must
2 mustn't