1. The razor was so sharp, that the kid cut itself
2. It’s a pity, but she never controls herself
in any situation. 3. They can read the English fiction themselves
4. The girl is too small to dress herself
. 5. Look at yourself
You are so silly! 6. Don’t think Roger can get out of the trouble himself_
7. They made the way in the hall and finally lost themselves
. 8. Maria fell and hit herself
while jogging. 9. The town is too small to identify itself
as a centre. 10. Don’t give me advice! I can cope myself
1. You should be more sensitive and think about other people's feelings.
2. Cathy is very fit.
3. He's 17 but his behaviour is very irmature - like a 12 year old.
4. Every time I get on a plane i'm sure it's going to crash. I know i'm being irrational but i cant help it
5. We should be tolerant of people who have different religions..
6. Jake often.. He's very unloyal
7. Most people think it's fair that rich poeple pay more tax than very poor poeple
8. I can't leave Tom on his own at the weekend. He's too irresponsible.
Ты сможешь посетить Вестминстерское Аббатство, когда будешь в Лондоне.
2. Were to
16 ноября 2010 г. был объявлено, что принц Уильям и Кэтрин Миддлтон сыграют свадьбу.
3. Was to
Сердце Томаса Харди будет похоронено вместе с его женой.
4. Should
Что следует сделать, чтоб сберечь исторический памятник?
5. Must
Ты должен приобрести видеозапись церемонии Королевской Свадьбы.
6. Have to
Туристам придётся пройти по мосту, чтобы увидеть башню.
7. Be able
В аббатстве ты увидишь памятник в честь Дэвида Фроста, современного журналиста и писателя.