Complete the story with the verbs in the correct forms okay, so you've asked me about that new tv series i started to watch yesterday. it's about this guy called vince, and we first see him when he sits in the garden talking to his girlfriend over the phone about an upcoming trip to australia. then there's a flashback, and we find out that he always / travel a lot since he was a baby. when he was only two years old, he first / fly to the us. his mother is italian and his father is american, and they meet one day while the father read a book in the library and his mother sit down beside him. she was very beautiful and be an actress in the past, so you can see how the father fall in love with her instantly. anyway, this guy vince travel an awful lot because he works for some kind of an international company and he grow tired of it and wants to have a house and kids. ah, i forgot to tell you that he visit his parents in france at the moment. he live in new york now, but he stay at his parents' house for the past few weeks. so, as i said, when we first see him, he talk to his girlfriend, and he says that this year he already / fly over 50,000 miles for his job. he work for his company for almost two years now, but he hopes he not travel as much next year. and as he say all that, his mom come in to tell him that a letter arrive for him. it's about his brother who disappear a few months ago when he hike in central france, but apparently, before that he write this letter
2 лексика и аудирование • специальные дни
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Особый день - День матери
День матери-это особый день в Великобритании. 19 я
делаю маме подарок - обычно несколько цветов, - а
иногда мы с сестрой играем музыку. Мы
в этот день в воскресенье в
Март или апрель
Мой отец всегда ходил
с матерью в
театр или кино после обеда.
Потом она приходит к нам домой. Она
хорошо одевается
в День матери
Многие люди едут на поезде или автомобиле вместе со
своими матерями. Затем
все они
заказали специальную еду
в хорошем ресторане
SV. --
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