Напишите реферирование по тексту на фото. думаю никто не сделает, но все же во план, чтобы проще было. план реферирования текстов 1. заголовок текста . – the text is head-lined – текст озаглавлен – the head-line of the text under discussion is – заголовок обсуждаемого текста 2. автор текста (the author of the text). – the author of the text is – автором текста является – the text is written by – текст написан (тем-то) 3. главная идея текста (the main idea of the text). – the main idea of the text is –- главной идеей текста является – the text is about – текст рассказывает о – the text deals with – в тексте рассматривается вопрос о – the text touches upon – текст затрагивает вопрос о – the purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on – цель текста – д ·ать читателю некоторую информацию о 4. содержание текста (the contents of the text). – the author starts be telling the readers about – автор начинает свой рассказ – the author writes (states, thinks) that – автор пишет (утверждает, думает), что – according to the text – в соответствии с текстом – further the author says that – в дальнейшем автор пишет, что – in conclusion – в заключение – the author comes to the conclusion that – автор делает вывод, что 5. ваше мнение относительно прочитанного (your opinion of the text). – i found the article (the text) interesting (important, dull, too hard to understand) – по-моему, текст интересен (важен, скучен, слишком сложен для понимания)
Andy said he didn't like reading when he was a little boy. He explained that it had been boring to sit for hours with a book in his hands trying to learn what happened to the characters. He said he used to play football and basketball with his friends.
Andy had to confess that he had read very slowly. At school they were given a lot of homework, so he had lo read anyway: history and literature, biology and geography.
Andy said that some time before the situation had changed. His father had bought him his first CD book. Andy thought it was fantastic, it was like a computer game. He said turning the pages over he could see what was happening in pictures, in colors and in action. He thought it to be amazing. Andy said CD books would be much more popular with teenagers of his generation than printed books.