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22.06.2022 07:16 •  Английский язык

Придумать к этому тексту 5 видов вопросов.на с переводом . триумф любителей подумайте о последней мелодии, которую вы продолжали напевать в течение целого дня. вероятно (chances), это был один из больших хитов. теперь подумайте о музыке. у нее есть электронный звук? использование электронных инструментов сильно повлияло (effect) на развитие музыки 20-ого столетия. электронные инструменты используют серию (series) новых методов, чтобы произвести звуки, которые искусственно (artificially generated). такие методы включают: искажение (процесс изменения оригинальных звуков, посылая много сигналов в части электронной системы, обычно используемой в хэви-метале); эхо (процесс изменения оригинальных звуков, добавляя одно или более повторений) и эффекты (процесс добавления различных эффектов). что действительно внушительно - это то, что с развитием музыкальной технологии, вы даже не нуждаетесь в электронных инструментах, чтобы сделать музыку! последняя революция (revolution) в музыке происходит дома. элизабет шарп из бруклина, например, делает музыку в своей квартире. она называет свою студию 'the rock closet" (чулан рока), и она записывает и смешивает песни для своей группы (band) с компьютера apple macintosh. создание современной музыки в основном основано (based) на использовании программного обеспечения, например reason propellerhead software. как и элизабет, тысячи музыкантов во всем мире используют в своих интересах эту дешевую, сильную (powerful) технологию. технология позволяет (empowering) людям, которые не являются музыкантами, сочинять (compose) и распространять (distribute) их собственную музыку, вооружившись (armed) только своим творческим потенциалом(creativity) и энтузиазмом! почему бы вам тоже не попробовать?


1.Для чего используют електронную музыку? 2.На чем основано создание современной музыки? 3.Что позволяет людям технологии? 4.Где Элизабет Шарп делает свою музыку?

1. What are electronic music used for? 2. What is the basis for the creation of modern music? 3. What does technology allow people? 4. Where does Elizabeth Sharp make her music?

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The wagon train departed bright and early this morning. I was disappointed that I had to tell

my friends goodbye, but I had chosen to remain here in Denver. By that point, we had already been

traveling for several long months. I was sorry to leave St. Louis, but I heard there was gold in

California. It was June when we had first left St. Louis and it was October when we got to Denver. I

had made the difficult decision that I would not be continuing onward with the rest of the families on

the wagon train.

When we left St. Louis, we were extremely excited, because we were planning on traveling all

the way to the ocean. We would journey to California. But that was not to be for my family.

Almost immediately, we stumbled upon the first major problem of our trip. Our very first day

on the road, a wheel flew right off of our wagon. The wheel was badly cracked, which meant we

were unable to repair the damage ourselves. Since we were not terribly far from St. Louis at that

point, John rode all the way back there on his horse. He returned to the wagon train with a brand

new wheel; however, that took nearly an entire day while the other families waited.

After that, we struggled with yet another problem. There was an awful rainstorm, and with it

came so much mud that the oxen pulling our wagons were unable to get the wagons moving again.

We had to wait for the rain to stop completely and for the mud to dry before we could continue

onward. Because of this, we lost an additional two days.

We were unbelievably exhausted and it had been a mere two weeks, but we kept on traveling.

Unfortunately, we then had to stop once more because the Brown family fell ill. We waited a few

days for them to recover, but they eventually gave up and turned back.

Every single day, we faced very difficult work, but we still persevered. Nevertheless, by the

time we arrived in Denver it was just too much to handle. We had decided then that we were going

to leave the wagon train. That night, we informed the wagon master of our plans.

The wagon master asked us to change our minds, and told us, “We’ve overcome the worst,

now.” However, I knew our trip would certainly not be getting any easier. The mountains we had

just crossed were only the beginning. It had already been such hard work to get where we were now,

and I knew it would be even more difficult to reach the ocean in California. That is when we decided

the best option was to remain here in Denver.

Today, I have gone off to hunt for a new job. There are several jobs in the mines, and I hope to

fill one of the positions. Then, we will be able to get our own home. I am extremely thankful that

living in a tent beside the covered wagon is over. Instead, we will have a permanent place where we

can live.

Although I will greatly miss my friends, I will not miss all the troubles and hardships we

endured. I wrote a letter to a friend I made on the trip. I wanted him to know we are doing well

although I miss him.

4,4(21 оценок)

1. Jim is telling something interesting about his last voyage.

Is Jim telling anything interesting about his last voyage?

Jim is telling nothing interesting about his last voyage.

Jim isn't telling anything interesting.

2. There is somebody in the radio-room.

Is there anybody in the radio-room?

There is nobody in the radio-room.

There isn`t anybody in the radio-room.

3. Somebody is speaking English in the class-room.

Is anybody speaking English in the class-room?

Nobody is speaking English in the class-room.

Anybody isn`t speaking English in the class-room.

4. I would like to go somewhere on Sunday.

Would I like to go anywhere on Sunday?

I would like to go nowhere on Sunday.

I wouldn`t like to go anywhere on Sunday.

5. Someone is waiting for you in the hall.

Is anyone waiting for you in the hall?

Noone is waiting for you in the hall.

Anyone isn`t waiting for you in the hall.

4,4(58 оценок)
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