Frankly, all my weekdays do not differ from each other. Usually I get up at 7 o'clock. I don't like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day. I make my bed, dress myself and have breakfast. Then I go to school. My school finish at 1 o'clock. I go home. Then I have a dinner and play computer games. And only at 5 o'clock I start to do my homework nd help my mother. At midnight, after a long working day, I do to bed and after a few minutes I fall asleep. All my weekdays almost the same, but weekend I love more, because I do what I want.
1)I play football 2)I read a book. 3)I wash dishes. 4)I get up. 5)I see the nature. 6)I eat fruits. 7)I walk with my friends. 8)I go to school. 9)I watching a video. 10)I do works.
Oala - one of the most famous and favorite Australian animals. Him name as a bear, though a Koala are not connected to what type of bears.
In translation from language of the Australian natives "Koala" means "not drinking", as a Koala do not drink water. They eat leaves eucalyptus, the contained there liquid suffices to them.
The Koala weighs from four up to fifteen kgs and reaches eighty centimeters in length. Life expectancy - about 12 years.
At a Koala a pear-shaped body, large round head with small eyes and large black nose. The tail at a Koala is not. The Koala is covered with thick, strong gray fur, because of which for them hunt. On legs the Koala has - five fingers, with which he clasps a trunk of a tree.
Till eighteen - twenty two hours per day sleep on trees, and on ground is lowered only for transition to a new tree. Sleep a Koala in of trees.
Koala - single animal. The mothers very well care of children, the fathers the participations in education of the kids do not accept.
The small Koala is born underdeveloped and continues the development in a bag. The newborn Koala weighs some grammes and length about two centimeters. In a bag he will carry spend six months, eating there by parent milk. Then about one year the kid sits on Bottom or on a stomach of the mother, having seized in her fur, and for reception of food to put out a head from a bag
Surprisingly that the Koala is able well to float and to jump on trees, though he is usual moves very slowly.
After Jack had painted the hall and the kitchen, he decided to take a rest ( после того как Джек покрасил щал и кухню он решил отдохнуть) When Maddy felt much better, she could leave the hospital ( когда Мэдди чувствовала сеья значительно лучше она покинула больницу) After Peter had finished eating he asked for a cup of coffee ( после того как Питер закончил есть он попросил чашечку кофе) After they had done their home work , the could play coputer ganes ( после того как они сделали всю домашнюю работы они могли поиграть в компьютерные игры) After they had eaten their dinner , March cleaned the table ( после того как все покли Марк убрал стол)