1)ей нравится ее новый рюкзак.2)мы не выгуливали собаку вчера.3)вы будете купаться в озере? 4)они читают расписание сейчас.5)гарри собирается заниматься боевыми искуствами.6)в январе было много снега. перевести на .
1)She likes her new backpack. 2) We didn`t go for a walk with our dog yesterday. 3) Will you swim in the lake? 4) They are reading schedule now. 5) Harry is going to do fighting sport. 6) There was much snow in January.
C) 1. The police, of course, (are) helpless. 2. It (was) a pity, Freemantle thought, that the remainder of the crowd, who (were) waiting downstairs, could not have heard him up here. 3. The government ( have) got their eye on him. 4. His audience (was) getting impatient. 5. The Berksfeld family (are) perpetually short of money. 6. Most of the senior Barford 7. In a quiet bystreet a German band of five players in faded uniforms and with battered brass instruments (was) playing to an audience of street arabs and leisurely messenger boys. 8. Their party (was) divided into several groups, each accompanied by two men. d) 1. His eyes (were) large and blue, but the blue (was) very pale, and they looked rather tired already. 2. The French (see) these things differently from us. 3. How foolish the old (were), thinking they could tell what the young felt. 4. Some of the wounded (were) noisy, but most (were) quiet. 5. Everybody ( knows) that the poor (are) splendid to one another. 6. Now and again, the quiet (was) broken by the crack-cracking of musket fire in the last line of defences. 7. Every elector thinks his own good (is) the good of the country.
1 When keyed( Past Participle Passive) the data are held in a small memory called (Past Participle Passive) buffer. 2. Data keyed( Past Participle Passive )into the memory of a computer by typing( gerund) on a keyboard are readable by humans. 3. Keyboard enables inputting(gerund) numerical and text data. 4. The mouse provides the cursor control simplifying (Present Participle active) user's orientation on the display. 5. Having been constructed ( Perfect Participle Passive) recently a new electronic device has important applications in space exploration. 6. Being supplied ( Present Participle Passive) with a special appliance a television set may have a remote control. 7. The control unit operates by reading (gerund) one instruction at a time. 8. Improved (Past Participle Passive) methods of obtaining (gerund) three-dimensional television pictures have been worked on the basis of holography.
1)She likes her new backpack. 2) We didn`t go for a walk with our dog yesterday. 3) Will you swim in the lake? 4) They are reading schedule now. 5) Harry is going to do fighting sport. 6) There was much snow in January.