Finally came the autumn holidays! I was very happy! I should not have to get up early in the morning before dawn and run to school. I could stay in bed until noon. But sleep as usual during the holidays, did not want to. The weather was good, so first we went with friends to the park almost every day. It was fun! I wanted to spend a week in the village, home to my grandparents. That was great. I drank fresh milk and ate a lot of goodies that my grandmother always ready for me when I come to visit her. I have many friends in the village, because I go there every vacation. But mom and dad that something did not happen, and I was left at home. The weather turned bad. Somewhere the wind came the rain, it was damp, and did not want to stick your nose out of the warm nest. Of course, it was a little sad, sit in a city apartment, engaged in perpetual household chores, but what to do? Helping mom, too, need. Vacations passed very quickly, I do not even have time to miss my classmates and teachers. Back to school.
In November 1835 the impact Kosmurun station in Kostanay region Kushmurunskiy Auliekol District known senior Sultan was born in the family of Chingiz Valikhanov. Father Genghis Valikhanovich when Amankaragay dwanınıñ (Karaoba city center) senior Sultan. In 1844 the district center after the change of the castle changed the name Kosmurun Dwayne Kushmurun. Shokan my grandfather Wali Khan of the Middle Horde. Kazakh Horde, the founder of the Great Khan Ablai, shock and great-grandchildren. Shokan childhood winter capital in Küntïmes Obagan along the right Aqqanburlıq in the basin in the summer in their location. My grandmother lives in the estate, held in the capital of the Han Sırımbettegi Baldauren days.
Lion is a beautiful and strong animal. In many cultures a lion is referred to as King of the Beasts and considered an embodiment of strength and power. Lions belong to the order of predators. They have a kingly appearance: a magnificent mane, a muscular body, sharp fangs and claws.
Лев – это красивое и мощное животное. Во многих культурах льва называют царем зверей и считают воплощением силы и власти. Львы относятся к отряду хищников. Они обладают царственной внешностью: роскошной гривой, мускулистым телом, острыми клыками и когтями.