Every man has an occupation that he really loves, and it is different for each of us. A hobby is an occupation that we never get tired of. Various hobbies help us to relax because we enjoy them. As for me, I have several hobbies. My first hobby is playing the guitar. I began to play the guitar last summer. But I did not go to the musical school because I decided to learn chords by myself. The first success came very soon. Than I clamped more difficult chords, and now I continue learning. I relax while playing the guitar, that’s why it is my hobby.
My second hobby is listening to music. When I put on my headphones, I dive into the other world. I listen to music of various genres. Music helps me to relax and think about important things. My favorite groups are: Sigur Ros, Placebo, Muse, Bring Me The Horizon and others.
My third hobby is playing computer games. Sometimes I want to rest from doing my homework and play computer games. It is very interesting, especially when you play online games such as DOTA2, Battlefield 4 and others. You can talk to people and play with them. Maybe, if you get to know them better, you will continue playing together. But computer games can harm your health. That’s why you should not play them too long.
In conclusion, I would like to say that hobbies are very useful and interesting. People should have hobbies and enjoy life. I hope you will agree with me.
Nature is all around us. We see it every day. It’s the sunset, the sunrise, the song of birds, the blooming оf flowers, the wind that blows, etc. These signs are an integral part of our lives. On the one hand we cherish these natural blessings, on the other hand – we don’t appreciate fully their importance. Thus, our future generations can be cut from these treasures. They might see less of natural wonders, because the humanity gradually destroys forests and kills some species of animals. It all happens due to industrial revolution and the growing number of chemical plants. Humans are the only species on our planet that consciously manipulate the environment. Unfortunately, we are poor leaders in this hierarchy, if we can’t increase the awareness of ecology. People are too self-centered to notice how badly they treat the surrounding environment. For thousands of years they lived in harmony with nature till the development of civilization. They could use the natural riches limitlessly, while today we have to use all the resources sparingly. Pollution is another threat to nature. So many cities today are trapped in air and noise pollution that comes from motor vehicles and factories. That’s why some people tend to live in the countryside, where the air is much cleaner and fresher. World industries throw about 1000 million tons of dust and harmful substances into atmosphere. As a result many rare species of animals and plants die out, lakes dry up, forests disappear. Obviously our nurtured nature is in danger. And if people don’t take serious measures to save it, our planet can soon become lifeless.
Природа повсюду вокруг нас. Мы наблюдаем ее каждый день. Это закат, восход солнца, пение птиц, цветение цветов, дуновение ветра и т.д. Эти признаки являются неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. С одной стороны мы дорожим этими природными благами, с другой стороны – мы в полной мере не ценим их важность. Таким образом, наши будущие поколения могут быть лишены этих красот. До них может дойти меньше природных чудес, потому что человечество постепенно разрушает леса и истребляет некоторые виды животных. Все это происходит из-за промышленной революции и растущего числа химических заводов. Люди являются единственным видом на нашей планете, сознательно манипулирующим окружающей средой. К сожалению, мы плохие лидеры в этой иерархии, если не можем повысить уровень экологии. Люди слишком эгоистичны, чтобы замечать, какой вред они наносят окружающей среде. На протяжении тысячелетий они жили в гармонии с природой до внедрения цивилизации. Они могли безгранично пользоваться природными благами, а сегодня нам приходится экономить на всех ресурсах. Загрязнение представляет собой еще одну угрозу природе. Многие города сегодня погрязли в шумовом и атмосферном загрязнении, которое исходит от автомобилей и заводов. Вот почему некоторые люди стараются жить в сельской местности, где воздух намного чище и свежее. Мировая индустрия выбрасывает около 1000 млн. тонн пыли и вредных веществ в атмосферу. В результате многие редкие виды животных и растений вымирают, озера высыхают, леса исчезают. Очевидно, наша драгоценная природа в опасности. И если люди не примут серьезных мер по ее то наша планета скоро станет безжизненной.
What is big?
Whose family is big?
Is my family big or small?
My family is big,isn`t it?