The only thing I need in life-is your presence, I try to wait for our meet with an enormous deligence. Because of your existence- I'm alive , It can't be truth- the life witout you. The lack of people-it is always really hard, It can't be easy to let the person go, Who found a key to your stone heart, I have already met you in my dream a very long time ago. Anyway,I know that all of our darlings, Will finally be passed away. Please, don't leave me alone with my own fears- You know, I love you more,than life appearance.
Дорогой друг В этом рассказе я расскажу чем буду заниматься летом . Летом я буду гулять с друзьями и одноклассниками и путешествовать с мамой , папой , сестрой , братом и бабушкой и дедушкой . Поедим отдыхать на море или даже за границу полетим . На море я куплю друзьям подарки .
Dear friendIn this story, I'll tell you what I would do in the summer. In the summer I'll be hanging out with friends and classmates and traveling with my mom, dad, sister, brother and grandparents. Let's go to rest at sea, or even overseas flight. At sea, I'll buy your friends gifts.