1. There is old house in the country.
A) the
B) a
C) that
D)+ an
E) –
2 . Have you ever been ___ London?
A) the
B) a
C) that
D)+ in
E) an
3. Great Britain is separated from the continent by ___ English Channel.
A) this
B) a
C) an
D)+ the
E) –
4. She showed ___ a very interesting book.
A) he
B) +him
C) his
D) himself
E) they
5. Has she ever told ___ her favorite joke?
A) your
B) yourself
C) +you
D) yours
E) yourselves
6. We… students of one of the best Almaty Medical University.
A)+ are
B) is
C) was
D) will
E) shall
7. The… necessary subjects are those which are learnt in the 1st year.
A) Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy, Biology
B) +History, Math
C) Literature
D) Drawing, Computer Sciences
E) Computer games
8. We do not study…Sunday.
A) +on
B) at
C) to
D) in
E) into
9. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .
A) nature
B)+ in the nature
C) in nature
D) naturally
E) by nature
10. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about and the French.
A) the France
B) a France
C) +France
D) in the France
E)to the France
11. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be .
A)the doctor
C)+a doctor
D) on docor
E) the doctor
12. My friend likes to eat .
A) +fish
B) the fish
C)a fish
D)an fish
E)on the fish
13.Tell him .
A)+the truth
C)a truth
E) in truth
14. Bring from the kitchen.
A) +milk
B)a milk
C)the milk
D)the milks
E)an milk
15. Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth.
D)An. A
E)The. An
16.The Queen of Great Britain is not.
B)the absolute
C)an absolute
E)in absolute
17. drive on the left-hand side in their country.
A) A British
B)+The British
D)An British
E)In British
18.Could you close , please?
A)a door
C)+the door
D)an door
E)in the door
19.Jim ... very short.
A) Are
B)+ is
C) has
D) aren’t
E) haven’t
The weather is sunny and it has been very hot sometimes.-=- The weather is sunny, sometimes it is very hot.
I've been touring all the typical places - it's exhausting!-=--I've traveled all the typical places - it's exhausting!
The people here are very kind and they have helped me a lot.-=-The people here are very kind and helped me a lot.
I took some photos of some koalas - they're so cute!
I haven't heard anything from Anton yet. 6 I'm getting a bus up to Brisbane because flying is too expensive.-=--I haven't heard anything from Anton yet. 6 I'm taking the bus to Brisbane because it's too expensive to fly.