Составить 4отрицательных предложения к the sun sets in the east. hens eat faxes. blacksmiths make things from wood. the river dlina flows into the black sea.
I khow some people who are fond of pigeons. They are very clever and beautiful birds. It is a real joy when you make friends with them. Pigeon lovers make special "homes" for them up over the sheds and other buildings. Everybody knows that pigeons are birds of peace. But not everybody thinks about their unusual ability to find the way home from any place. And there are a lot of tests that prove it. You may find the information in the Internet and maybe, you want to become interested in these gracious and wonderful creatures. Я знаю некоторых людей, которые обожают голубей.Это очень умные и красивые птицы. Настоящая радость, когда ты подружишься с ними. Любители голубей строят специальные "дома" для них высоко над сараем или другими постройками.Каждый знает. что голубь - это птица мира.Но не каждый думает об их необычной находить дорогу домой из любого места. И есть много тестов, которые доказывают это.Вы можете найти информацию в интернете, и , может быть, вы захотите интересоваться этими грациозными и прекрасными существами.
We understood that each jump, each feint, each combination, each ball led us to that victory! Nowadays I can’t imagine my life without basketball. It is life the second wind for me. Basketball inspires me to further development and victories. When I’m exhausted I always remember that I am a member of the team. My team trusts me and waits that I will fight till the last whistle. My credo can be presented by the word of the famous basketball player Kevin Garnett: “We have to do the impossible, but it is possible. Basketball is my life”
Hens don't eat foxes
Blacksmiths don't make things from wood
The river Dvina doesn't flow into the Black sea