Насколько я понимаю, нужно не только перевести, но и задать правильно вопросы..
Вы хотите что-нибудь узнать о местах, где живут люди? если так, то дополните предложения: 1 you don't have a flat in Kiev,do you? (у вас нет кв. в Киеве, не так ли?) 2. there is a dining room and sitting room downstairs, isn't there? ( внизу есть столовая и гостинная, не так ли?) 3. you have no fireplace in your flat, do you? ( у вас нет камина в вашей квартире, не так ли?) 4. you can put the sofa near the window, can't you? ( вы можете поставить диван рядом с окном, не так ли?) 5. you will buy two armchairs, won't you? ( вы купите два кресла, не так ли? -это в буд.времени) 6. you are not going upstairs, are you? (вы не идете наверх, не так ли? или вы не собираетесь наверх?)
My best friend called Lily who studies at school has some problem with teachers and her classmates .She does not very good at science and does all thing not as it should.In some situation her parents ashamed of her.Every day she feel depressed and stressed hersef.None has understood her so she decided to die but her mother save her then she start to go to another school and have there many friends .Her parents become more attentıve.So solutıon of all problem ıs just talkıng to each other ...
Ann is singing upstairs/ She is singing very well.
Mary and Susan are not counting at the moment. Nick is counting badly.
The door is opening easily. Peter is opening the door now.
Look! Sam is leaving. He always leaves at 18:10