Tell your friends about your plans for the weekend.
On Saturday I need to hit the books to do all my homework. On Sunday I am going to the cinema with my friends. We will watch a popular detective movie. Everybody is talking about it and I am very intrigued!
Describe where you live.
I was born and raised in Moscow – the capital of our country. It is a stunning city because it has lots of sights and all of them are very beautiful. I adore the Moscow metro – it helps me to get to school very quickly and is also very convenient. Moscow is a big city, so everybody can find a place that he or she will like there.
Describe your best friend.
My best friend’s name is Mary. She is a year younger than me, so she’s like a little sister to me. We both enjoy reading the same books and then discuss their plot and characters. She also is very stylish and always gives me advice on clothes and accessories. But sometimes she can be a bit careless – even when she needs to prepare for a really serious exam!
The city of Dnipro (ex Dnipropetrovsk) or Dnepr (Rus.) is situated on the Dnieper River (Dnepr or Dnipro) in East-Central Ukraine and has a population of 1 million (third city in the country by population). Large and beautiful, it is the main city of East-Central Ukraine.
Dnipro is a dynamic and lively city.
The city is surprising green along the wide and slow-moving Dnieper river (Dnepr in Russian, Dnipro in Ukrainian) and has remarkable embankments, long boulevards and spacious parks.
It is also the major centre of high-technology industries, education, machine-building, metallurgy and trade. The city is not only famous for its commercial industry, but also its green hills and deep history.
The old fortress settlement has existed since the middle of the 16th century. The new town was founded in 1776 by the Russian Prince, Potemkin by order of Catherine II, Empress of the Russian Empire and was called Yekaterinoslav (Ekaterinoslav) from 1776 to 1926. During 1918 the town’s name was Sicheslav (The Glory for Sich’/Fortress of Cossacks).
Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) has been the major center of the steel industry from the beginning of the 20th century until the present. It has also dominated in the machinebuilding and aero-spacebuilding industry since the 1950s.
2)Почему у Джона были красные глаза?
3)Куда мальчики решили поехать?
4)Какие у неё были предположения насчёт её новой жизни
5)Что думают мальчики на счёт этой ночи?
6)Ты когда нибудь играла в пиратов
7)Что может случиться в городе утром?