Rooms: Living room, kitchen, hall, bedroom, dining room.
Features: (Indoor: attic, windows, fireplace, floor, balcony, brick walls, staircase, chimney; outdoor: garden, fence, porch, garage)
Furniture/Appliances: rug, pillows, cushions, lamp, four-poster beds, cupboard, chest of drawers, carpet, wardrobe, mirror, fridge, cooker, towels, shower,
Объяснение: (некоторые зависят от плана дома, так как камин может быть уже включён в план постройки дома или же жильцы могут поставить декоративный камин так что там некоторые 50/50)
Jack runs to the beanstalk.
"Quick, Jack! Climb down the beanstalk,"
says the old woman.
"I can hear the giant."
Jack climbs down and down.
He doesn’t stop.
He goes down and down.
Oh no! The giant is behind Jack!
"Go away! You’re a bad giant!"
shouts the old woman.
The giant climbs down the beanstalk.
Jack is in his garden.
He cuts down the beanstalk with an axe.
Chop! Chop! The beanstalk falls down.
"Help!" shouts the giant.
The giant falls down.
Jack doesn’t see the giant again.
"Mother!" shouts Jack.
"Look! I’ve got my father’s gold coins!"
Jack tells his mother his story.
She doesn’t believe him, but she smiles and
she says, "That’s a beautiful story, Jack!"
Now Jack and his mother aren’t poor,
because they have got lots of gold coins.
They aren’t hungry,
because they have got lots of food.
Now the magic beanstalk is small.
It makes lots of beans for Jack and his Mother. Jack and his mother are very happy.
The End
Сколько им лет? Двенадцать.
Where are they from? Moscow
Откуда они? Из Москвы.
Have they got a big family? mum,dad and sister Julia
У них большая семья? Мама, папа и сестра Джулия.
What are they like? a talented sportsman,merry,brave and smart
Что в них нравится? Они талантливые спортсмены, очаровательны, храбры и умны.
What do they like? sport and travelling
Что им нравится? Спорт и путешествия.
What are they good at? skateboarding,snowboarding and carting
В чём они хороши? В скейтбординге, сноубординге и картинге.
What are they famous for? Master ofSports in carting
Чем они знамениты? Они - мастера спорта в картинге.
What are their dream jobs? a sportsman
Кем они хотят работать? Спортсменами.