How I spend my summer Summer is enough for me. Basically I was sitting at home or walking with friends. But sometimes my family and I went to the mountains. And I sometimes left my grandmother for the city. But in June my relatives and I went to Kapchigai. My brother and my friend went with us. The resort was interesting. The resort itself was a swimming pool, a Danish playground and a cafe. Well, the most common resort BUT BEST The most interesting As we were there spending time. Especially my brother and his friend got up early to ANSWER got up early, that would sooner eat a fish. And once we even caught a frog. Everyone was disgusting BUT we wanted to take her home but then she died It was kind of pitiful. So we spent 3 days there. But then, after I arrived in the city, I did not do much about anything. IN THE TOTAL I TRAVELKA summer is usually and quite boring But I do not regret the received emotions
1. Where did you spend a vacation? 2. How did you spend a vacation? 3.Ty went to summer camp? 4.Ty made new friends? 5.Ty made a lot of pictures? 6. What interesting places you visited?Do 7.Est interesting places in your town / village? 8.Est whether cinemas, museums, parks, at the place where you live? 9.Tebe like to spend more holidays in a big city or in the country? 10.Gde and how you like to spend your free time? 11.U you have any hobbies? 12. How do you have a hobby? 13.U you have any pets? 14.Ty love to care for your pet? 15.Kuda are you going to go next year? 16.Est Do you have brothers and sisters? 17. In what games do you play? 18.Ty get along well with your brother / sister? 19.Ty helping him / her homework? 20. As fares your mother / sister / brother? 21.Ty went to a party your friend? 22.Tam had a lot of guests? 23.Chem you doing? 24.Ty enjoyed the party? 25.Kakuyu music do you listen to? 26.Kakie books do you like?
2 work working
3 travel traveling
4 play playing
5 swim swimming
6 come coming