АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 2. a. Look at the words below. Do they have a positive or negative
meaning? Add them to your groups in ex. 1a. What elements of a
fi lm do they describe?
Eye-popping, poor, first-rate, fast-moving, second-rate, wellstructured, original, monotonous, unbelievable, slow-moving,
memorable, unclear, thought-provoking, powerful, dull /
boring, one-of-a-kind, multidimensional, dreadful, convincing,
talented, unforgettable, catchy, realistic.
b. Complete the sentences with the words from ex. 2a. Several
options are possible.
1. A writer has about two hours to tell the whole story that
features (includes) … complex characters. 2. Sci-fi film directors
use the latest technology to create … special effect. 3. You use
Communicative area: speaking about what makes a film
Active vocabulary: dreadful, multidimensional,
convincing, one-of-a-kind, eye-popping
… to describe something that is
special because there is nothing
else exactly like it. 4. The film
didn’t live up to my expectations:
its quality was … . 5. I couldn’t
relate to the characters because the acting wasn’t …. 6. One
way to make the plot of the story … is to include factual events.
7. The music in the film was … and spoiled the impression.
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The American novelist J.D Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye in 1951. It became a best-seller all over the world. The main character is a teenager called Holden Caulfield. The setting is the USA in the 1950s. At the beginning of the story, Holden is at boarding school. The school expels him and the story is about three days he spends alone in New York. The themes of the book are growing up and how false adults can be.The ending is a bit mysterious because the reader isn't sure what will happen to Holden.