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When I (go) shopping, I (see) my friend. I ___ (say) ‘Hello!’ and we (start) talking. While we (talk), a car (run into) a man on a bike. When we (see) the accident, I (phone) for an ambulance. While I (wait) for the ambulance, a policeman (arrive). He (ask) us some questions. The ambulance (come), while I (talk) to the policeman. The ambulance (take) the man to hospital and we (go) to a cafe for a cup of coffee. While we (drink) our coffee, we (discuss) about the accident.
Do you know that our cousine Pavel is going to visit us?
yes. I know. I will go to the airport to meet him.
When will he arrive?
He will arrive in two days.
How long will he stay?
Boris! It is not polite. Pavel is our relative.
Sorry! I don't know him and i have never seen him before. What does he look like?
he is tall. He has fair hair and green eyes. He is slim.
How old is he?
he is 17.
cool! Does he do any sports? we can go to our sport club!
Of course. I think he will like it. He likes sport.
We can also go to the concert. What kind of music does he like?
He likes rock and jazz. Do you know that he plays the guitar in a local group.
Oh! cool!
He is a very interesting person! he is clever and kind.
IS he merry?
of course. he has a lot of friends. He likes to visit different parties.
that's good. I will go to the airport with you
ok. we'll go together!