It is very bad that we now have in the world, due to fires and people, many endangered species of animals and plants. But we have to correct our mistakes. You can create more reserves and ecological zones, where you can not hunt and do no harm. Plant and give large fines to poachers. Come up with some basic measures for the preservation and rapid rescue of animals and plants in case of fire. Do not smoke dry grass. Only in this way will we be able to save endangered species of Thai simple animals.
2) Ann has very catchy handwritting, that's why it's so hard to understand what she have written
3)All pedestrians must abide by the traffic rules
9)4) There were howling sirens of a police car outside.
6) My mother offered to go on a road trip this holidays
7) There were a popular sight from my window in Paris. It was the Eiffel Tower.
8) Unfortunately, I do not know the deer breeding season
9) There were inly 6 survivous of the wild
10)Public service is a kind of economic benefits
11)Teenagers often escape from home
12) Marry always getting into trouble!
13) There were a sign abot fatal error on my computer screen
14) Smits despise household chores
15) ground shaking is a very dangerous disaster
16) You must always obbey rules in the goverment
17) Evryone should to report crimes, if they notice ones